I come to the place in my life where it is time for me to find my own truth. I have taken all the classes. I have followed many gurus. Now is the time for me to discover what is true for me.
I realize that my truth may be different than the truth of others. That is okay. I am fine with each of us developing what is true for ourselves.
I am ready to stand up for what is true for me. With so much information swirling around in our world today, it is vital that I stand in my power and truth.
I avoid living my life from a surface perspective. I am taking a deep dive within and adventuring into the depths of my soul to find my truth.
As I explore the deep caverns of my soul, I find nuggets of truth. I know it is true for me because I light up inside. I get giddy. I come alive.
I store these new nuggets of truth in my knapsack for safe keeping. I bring them safely to the surface and share them with others.
I create safe spaces of open communication where all are welcome. Those who have different truths are welcome to share their truths in a safe place of open conversation.
I set ground rules of kindness and appreciation.
I respect other people’s opinions and they gladly respect mine. With mutual respect, I find that together we can come up with great solutions.
Today, I am grateful that I have the courage and conviction to stand up for my truth.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I stand in my truth more fully?
- What can I do to create safe havens where dialogue is respected?
- Who do I know that shares my philosophy of truth?