I believe deeply in loving myself wholeheartedly and without condition. I learn each day to honor myself and walk in the path of my true feelings, good or otherwise.
I listen to my inner voice, cherish the messages of intuition, and am grateful for all that I learn.
I experience unconditional love.
I take the lessons I learn and implement new knowledge to improve my life.
I am comfortable saying “no.” I have firm boundaries with friends, family, and lovers. I decided what feels right to me. I stand up for myself, acknowledge my values and beliefs, and communicate them.
I can truly decide where and how to direct my energy in genuinely knowing myself. I choose how I spend my time, and I decide what feels right to me and use my resources accordingly.
I draw a line in the sand. By protecting my power, I change my mind on my terms. I am comfortable taking control and facing challenging situations.
In this process, I grow in self-esteem and confidence, and I learn to take each step on the path of truth and light.
I let go of limiting beliefs. I allow myself to heal. I am strong and playful in my heart as I move through the world.
Today, I release anything out of alignment with my higher self. I let go of the past. I let go of any limiting beliefs about myself and my abilities. I am in the present. I choose to live my life as an empowered person, and I accept myself in all my glory.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What apology can I make to myself?
- What are my needs?
- Who loves me right now?