Music reduces stress and comforts me. It lifts my spirits and energizes me when I feel down. It helps me to think more clearly when I am struggling through difficult times. It reminds me of the beauty in the world and how much I have in common with others.
I create a playlist for working out. Lifting weights and running require less effort when I have upbeat songs to keep me company.
I turn on the radio while doing chores. Dusting and filing seem less tedious when my mind is occupied with opera or jazz. I enjoy myself as time flies by.
I listen to music while I drive. Tension melts away. Traffic jams become easier to bear. I have more patience with other drivers.
I integrate music into my spiritual practices. I listen to hymns and chants.
I evoke happy memories. Certain songs help me to relive happy times and feel close to my loved ones even if they are far away.
I sing and dance. Music makes me want to join in and move around.
I write lyrics or play an instrument. I engage my creativity.
I share my favorite songs with my friends. I recommend pieces that can calm and heal. I thank others for introducing me to new artists and works.
Today, I use music to deal with my feelings, express myself, and connect with others. Music helps me to stay happy and productive.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What would I choose for my theme song?
- What do I love about my favorite music genres?
- Why is music therapeutic?