I can go on a cruise in my mind anytime I would like. I use my imagination to think of where I would like to cruise next.
I am on a pleasure cruise right now. I imagine that I am on a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea.
I am thoroughly enjoying my cruise.
I notice the azure blue sea and realize how that color calms me down. I am grateful for the calm that is washing over me now.
I listen to the sea birds. I enjoy their call to one another. I enjoy the feeling of freedom that watching and listening to the birds brings to me.
I find the sound of the sea lapping up on the cruise ship pleasant. I notice that I am taking deeper breaths of the sea air. I find it refreshing and invigorating. I am grateful for the replenishment of oxygen in my cells.
I feel alive.
I love to watch the dolphins ride the waves made by the cruise ship. I giggle to see them surf the waves. I automatically smile. I am grateful for what the dolphin teaches me. I am more playful.
I am happy.
Today, I already feel better having gone on this cruise in my mind. I feel more alive. I am cruising through life like a dolphin on the sea.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I use my imagination more fully?
- How can I create any state of mind I want more often?
- How can I manifest a cruise in my current reality?