Just as a pregnant mother must wait patiently for her child to be born, I am holding space for my dreams to manifest. I am grateful for this new sense of patience.
I am patient. I am patiently awaiting my dreams to come true. I have done my due diligence and now it is time to patiently wait.
I hold space for my dreams to become my reality.
I feel the serenity. I feel the calm. I feel the love.
I am now a more patient person. I am grateful that I now embrace patience like a sweet babe.
I have mastered my mind and emotions over things that I cannot control.
I am learning to go with the flow. I am learning to let go of that which no longer serves me.
I am a creator of my dreams. I realize that once I have created them in my mind, there comes a point where I need to let go.
I take a breath. I relax. I surrender to life as it is.
Today, I recognize that there is a time for everything. I practice patience, let go of expectations, and align myself with the perfect timing of things to come.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Where can I use more patience in waiting for my dreams to manifest?
- What new dreams do I have?
- How can I show more faith in the unknown?