In these unstable times, I find my balance and stay centered. I am centered in my truth.
With all the opposing views, I stay out of the drama. I find my center. I balance my life.
I find that it is easier to do so by unplugging from mainstream media. I take a break from social media. I do the bare minimum online.
I plug into nature. I imagine I am at the playground.
Rather than taking one side or the other on the seesaw, I choose the middle. I practice balance.
I imagine myself on the monkey bars, skipping a bar and letting go of the past. I am learning to go forward with ease and grace.
I strengthen my legs going up the steps of the slide. I let go and have fun as I slide down the slide of life. I giggle and have fun!
I am happiest when I find the center of the merry-go-round. I choose to be centered. I refrain from falling into the traps of the games out in the world that like to pull people into conflict.
I see the correlations of the ancient wisdom paths. I remember from American Indian teachings to “follow the red road.” I recall from my youth being told to take the center path.
Today, I see in the wise teachings that finding the balanced and centered way is the best path for me.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I become more balanced in all things?
- How can I become more centered in my life?
- How can I live my best life ever?