I know that I create my reality. I also know that gratitude is everything. These two facts give me the tools I need to keep my mental and physical health in peak form.
I find that the more I appreciate my body, the more my body responds to the kindness I show it.
I appreciate the power of my mind and am careful to fill it with kind and encouraging thoughts. In return, my mind responds in kind. I am grateful that my mind has become a happy place to live. I love that I am finally content with me.
I put a lot of “work” into creating a healthy physical and emotional environment. Just like cultivating a beautiful garden, I am now living in an Eden.
I love that I have a great attitude. It is awesome to hang out with someone so positive!
I am happy to be me! I love that I can laugh at myself. I am grateful that I am more tolerant with my mistakes. I am way more fun to be around now!
I like that I have learned to go with the flow and be present in each moment. Even in uncomfortable moments, I can find a silver lining. As a result, life becomes easier. I can feel my body relax. I am more comfortable in my own skin. I enjoy my life much more.
Today, I naturally make healthy choices for my mind and body, because it feels so good.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What can I do each day to show gratitude for my good health?
- How can I appreciate my life more today?
- What else can I do to enhance my happiness today?