I stand in solidarity with my brothers and sisters around me. Understanding their realities educates me on how to stand in defense of their causes.
When I actively listen to the plight of others, I gain a greater sense of the challenges that they face. I sincerely connect with their feelings by putting myself in their shoes. The way forward is much clearer to me when I do that.
I am able to lend a hand to someone who I love by carefully understanding their situation. My support is rooted in common knowledge and connected emotions.
The difficulties that my friends face feel more personal to me when I take the time to connect with them emotionally. I am reminded that even when I feel like things are tough, there is always someone who is having a tougher time.
Shifting perspectives challenges what I am conditioned to think. It allows me to come face to face with my own privilege and practice humility.
Thinking about what someone else is going through takes me away from focusing on myself. Although I have my own challenges, it is important to think wider than my own reality. I learn valuable life lessons by embracing others in their difficult times.
When I tell someone that I understand how they feel, I say it with meaning. That meaning comes from stepping out of my shoes and into theirs.
Today, I embrace the role of being my brother and sister’s keeper. There is more meaning to life when I focus more on those around me that I do on myself.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How often do I practice empathy?
- How often do I call on my loved ones when I feel like being listened to?
- What does empathy look like when someone experiences tragedy?