I have learned that being compassionate is a wonderful model to follow. I am happy that I have come to this level of coaching.
I am proud that I have come this far. I am happy that I choose to be compassionate rather than judgmental. I know my clients will come farther in their personal growth when I show compassion and validate their feelings and efforts.
I am grateful that I have learned to be compassionate towards myself. I see now that I am a far superior coach, now that I have been compassionate with myself.
I realize that by being compassionate to others, I can create greater rapport. I feel more empathy for their situation. I can relate better through active listening.
I make a daily habit of showing more compassion toward myself and others. I see my life through a rose-colored lens. I see my coaching clients from my heart. I know they feel this as well.
I am learning to be a more compassionate partner. I see how I can develop a deeper relationship with my partner by being compassionate. I feel our partnership growing stronger.
My relationship with my family is also getting stronger. I am more attentive to them when they tell me what is going on in their life. I am totally present with whoever is in front of me.
Today, I am grateful for this new level of compassion. I can feel my heart expanding. I now have more compassion towards animals. I appreciate nature more. I feel myself loving all the World from deep within my heart. I have grown.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Which of my clients could use more compassion?
- Who in my family deserves more compassion?
- How has becoming more compassionate served my life?