I choose carefully the words I express. I think before I speak. I am conscientious about what I communicate.
I realize how important rhetoric is. I realize that I am an influencer. I take that title very seriously. I choose to be a conscientious influencer.
I listen very carefully to those who are communicating with me. I watch their body language. I hear their vocal tone. I get a sense about who they are from the words they speak.
I stay in observer mode while listening intently to other people’s points of view. Everyone has a right to their opinion. All points of view have value.
I weigh my thoughts carefully before expressing them. I speak from a place of honoring all who come to the table. I choose to be a compassionate communicator.
I ensure that I respect all opinions. I formulate my words in a way that is honorable to all who are contributing. I find a common ground that is negotiable to all parties. I am an amazing mediator.
I find that when all voices are heard and honored, peace can be restored. I find the most peaceful solutions that are for the best interest of everyone involved. I use my skills wisely.
Today, I realize that I can make a positive contribution to the world by truly listening and helping to resolve conflict through conscious communication. I am grateful for this skill.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I increase my ability to be a conscious communicator?
- What is the greatest gift I can give the world through my communication skills?
- Who can I assist with my mediator and negotiation talents?