I live according to my true nature. I do what brings me joy. My inner wisdom guides me to things that help me grow.
Instead of being controlled by fear or worry, I trust that whatever happens is for the best. I believe that the universe supports me when I live according to my highest vision. I trust that I have been given all I need to fulfill my highest purpose.
I love to laugh. I appreciate humor. Humor helps me to keep my balance when going through hard times. It allows me to stay centered and happy.
I love to dance and sing, and these are beautiful ways for me to express my creativity and celebrate life.
I am grateful for every opportunity that presents itself to me to share my gifts with others. I am so blessed to be able to contribute something to this planet.
I avoid trying to control anything that comes my way. I allow the universe to unfold in its natural rhythm. I simply go along for the ride.
I let go of unnecessary stress, and I focus on what is really important. I trust my inner guidance to lead me to find answers.
Today, I choose joy over fear, peace over anxiety, and hope over doubt. I do what makes me happy and feel alive. I trust that I am to live a fulfilling life. I trust that everything is happening as it should.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What activities bring me joy?
- What activities bring me stress?
- Can I identify one thing I can immediately let go of?