I am healthy and fit.
I manage my weight because I value my health. I love my body and respect its needs. Taking care of myself helps me to lead a long and active life.
I avoid fad diets. I adopt healthy habits that I can stick with for the long run.
I keep track of what I eat. I use a journal or an app on my phone, so I have an accurate picture of how much I consume. I monitor my portion sizes and ensure that I get the nutrients I need.
I load up on vegetables. Foods high in fiber keep me feeling full with fewer calories. I enjoy at least 5 servings each day, starting with a vegetable omelet for breakfast and baby carrots for snacks.
I exercise regularly. I burn calories with aerobics and build muscles with weightlifting. I turn off the TV and move around more.
I reach out for support. I ask my family and friends for help. I join online forums where I can share suggestions and encouragement.
I deal with stress. When I am upset, I take a walk or listen to music instead of eating a donut.
I prepare for setbacks. If I overindulge one day, I make up for it the next.
Today, I make choices that help me to maintain a healthy weight. I eat slowly and mindfully. I enjoy an active lifestyle. I keep my mind and body in top shape.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I lose weight without feeling deprived?
- What is my motivation for losing weight?
- What are 3 things I love about my body?