I understand that each person has a right to their opinion. I honor each person for their point of view even if I disagree with them.
I recognize that it is more important to listen than to be self-righteous. It does greater good for the world when I accept that everyone has a right to be heard.
I choose to see the bigger picture.
I believe in unity. I also believe in diversity. I liken humanity to the rainbow. We each display a different color and yet, together, we create the rainbow.
I see that each color is beautiful as an individual, and together we are magnificent.
I choose to bring people together, rather than be at opposite ends of the spectrum. I find the common good. I believe that we all just want to live the best life we can.
Underneath it all, we are all just love.
I believe in the good of people. I notice that we are all just doing our best with what we have experienced. I choose to live with compassion in my heart.
I can see the blessings of all my experiences with others.
I learn the lessons of my past. I know that sometimes I make mistakes. I work to make things right where I have been shortsighted and in ego. I ask for forgiveness.
Today, I choose acceptance and love. Living this way enables me to meet others where they are at, discover things we have in common, and make rainbows of peace and unity that result in greater strength and beauty for us all.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I be less judgmental of myself and others?
- What do I need to put in place to accept myself and others more fully?
- Who could I accept more fully in my life?