I accept myself as I am. I honor my physical, mental, and spiritual needs.
I eat a nutritious diet rich in whole foods. I exercise regularly. I aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
I manage stress. I find relaxation practices that work for me. I maintain a positive outlook.
I connect with something bigger than myself. I practice my faith. I commune with nature. I study science.
I maintain healthy boundaries. I let others know how I want to be treated. I act decisively if someone exceeds my limits. I stand up for my principles. I give myself permission to walk away from unhealthy relationships.
I show compassion for myself. I treat myself gently when I am struggling. I ask for help when I need it.
I reach out to others. Being generous and kind gives me a warm glow inside. Having a positive impact on my community helps me to recognize my own power.
I act with integrity. I make choices that align with my values. I follow through on my commitments. Being responsible and consistent protects my self-esteem and helps me to feel more comfortable with myself.
I focus on progress rather than perfection. I forgive myself when I fall short of expectations. I give myself credit for making an effort. I value learning from experience.
Today, I validate myself. I recognize that whatever I need already dwells inside me. I am wonderful and loveable.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What qualities make me valuable as a friend?
- How can I be honest and objective when I look at myself?
- What is one nice thing I can do for myself today?