Talking about my emotions helps me in many ways.
I gain self-knowledge and awareness. I recognize that my feelings are natural and important. I explore my superficial emotions and the deeper ones that lie beneath them. I understand my motives and reactions.
I make sounder decisions. Talking about my anger or fear makes these sensations less intense. I gain greater control over myself. I consider consequences and select options that make me happier and more successful.
I draw closer to my family and friends. I allow myself to be vulnerable. I experience being loved and cared for.
I share my happy feelings. I express my gratitude. I thank others for their kindness and support.
I show my affection. I tell my partner how much I love them. I kiss and hug my children. I laugh with my friends.
I share emotions that are more difficult to talk about, like anger and jealousy. I choose an appropriate time and place. A quiet setting with few distractions makes it easier to listen and talk things through.
I remain calm when talking about my feelings. I take a walk if I need to cool down.
Today, I put my feelings into words. I express my emotions tactfully and directly.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What happens when I suppress my feelings?
- How can physical sensations help me to name my feelings?
- How can I practice talking about my emotions?