I am fortunate. I am successful and happy because of the choices I make. My habits help me to reach my goals and increase the quality of my life.
My career is rewarding and satisfying. I continue to update my skills and expand my knowledge. I read industry publications and take courses. I volunteer for challenging assignments. I network actively online and off.
My children are kind and responsible. I work at providing a positive role model. I listen to their concerns and encourage behavior that prepares them for adulthood. We spend quality time together.
My partner is loving and supportive. I let them know how much I appreciate them. I communicate openly and honestly. We work together as a team.
My friendships are close and nourishing. I stay in touch by making time for regular coffee dates and weekend outings. I engage in deep conversations. I share my thoughts and feelings. I reach out to new acquaintances. I feel confident and connected.
My mind and body are strong and fit. I eat a nutritious diet and work out regularly. I aim for 8 hours of sleep each night. I manage stress and take time out to relax.
My spiritual faith gives me comfort and purpose. I participate in a faith community. I integrate my beliefs into my daily life. I find fulfillment through sharing my blessings.
Today, I feel like a winner. I create my own luck.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I change my luck?
- If I was writing a fortune cookie message for someone I love, what would I say?
- Why is hard work more important than luck?