My lifestyle keeps me strong and fit.
I eat a balanced diet. I prepare meals and snacks at home where I can control the ingredients. I limit sugar and salt and choose healthy fats. I eat at least 6 servings of vegetables and fruits each day.
I exercise regularly. I train for strength and flexibility. I build my muscles and condition my heart. I find a variety of activities that I can enjoy indoors and outdoors in any season.
I sleep well. I go to bed at an early hour each night. I keep my bedroom dark and quiet. I wake up naturally feeling refreshed and energetic.
I take care of my teeth and skin. I brush and floss my teeth. Oral hygiene protects my smile and my overall wellbeing. I moisturize and apply sunscreen before going outdoors. I shower with gentle cleansers and warm water.
I manage stress. I develop relaxation practices that work for me. I listen to instrumental music or process my feelings by making art. I clear away clutter and shorten my to do list.
I stay connected to others. I build a network of support. I maintain personal boundaries. I experience the joy of giving by sharing my hospitality and doing volunteer work in my community.
I nurture my spiritual side. I regularly take time to reflect and pray.
Today, I make healthy living automatic. My daily routines make me more productive and resilient. I increase my chances for living a long and active life.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What is my main motivation for keeping fit?
- How does stress affect my lifestyle?
- What is one healthy habit I want to pass on to my kids?