I am open to new experiences.
I sample unfamiliar foods. I shop at farmers markets and ethnic supermarkets. I browse online at tea shops and gourmet grocers. I try out new restaurants and food trucks.
I vary my workouts. I go rock climbing in place of my usual CrossFit class. I sign up for archery classes. I buy a hula hoop and run backwards.
I stretch my skills at work. I join a committee to redecorate the meeting rooms or review employee benefits. I propose an innovative project to my boss.
I experiment with communicating more effectively. I ask others for feedback on how to strengthen my presentations. I listen more attentively. I take deep breaths and lower my voice, so I can speak calmly under pressure.
I broaden my media consumption. I read literary fiction instead of romance novels. I watch news broadcasts from the Middle East and South Asia. I take online courses about history and gardening.
I learn more about an interesting acquaintance. I invite someone from another department out to lunch. I chat with strangers. I make small talk in an airport lounge or local coffee shop.
I visit different places. I explore nearby neighborhoods and state parks. I plan my next vacation. I order brochures and watch videos. I ask family and friends about destinations they love.
Today, I make positive changes in my life. I stimulate my creativity and curiosity. I expand my possibilities.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Why is it important to have some novelty in my life?
- How can I tell when my routines are becoming too restrictive?
- What is one thing I can do differently today?