I make healthy living automatic. My regular routines keep me strong and fit.
I eat a nutritious diet. I start the day with a hearty breakfast. I prepare balanced meals and snacks. I get most of my calories from delicious whole foods. I cut back on sugar and salt. I drink water instead of sweetened beverages.
I exercise regularly. I condition my heart and build my muscles. I engage in a variety of activities I enjoy.
I move around. I take extra steps throughout the day. I climb the stairs and do manual chores around my house and yard. I break up hours of sitting with stretches and pushups.
I sleep well. I stick to a regular bedtime that allows me to wake up naturally feeling refreshed and full of energy.
I think happy thoughts. My mind and body are connected. A positive attitude lifts my spirits and strengthens my immune system.
I develop social support and community. I spend time with family and friends. I discuss my thoughts and feelings. I celebrate the joy of giving through volunteer work and random acts of kindness.
I talk with my doctor. I ask questions. I describe my symptoms and behavior honestly. I follow their recommendations.
Today, I make my mental and physical wellbeing a top priority. I slow down the aging process and reduce my risk for illness. I increase my chances for living a longer and more active life.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What is my motivation for healthy living?
- Why is my body like a garden?
- What is one healthy habit I can start practicing today?